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Testimonial - Alex Volvach

My story at the Faculty of Economics and Business, KU Leuven

"I am Alex from Ukraine. Maybe you wonder how, out of all places, I ended up in Belgium ? Well, my plan was to find a good place to study, to experience life in another country and to improve my language skills. Did that work out? Sure thing!"

"During my economics bachelor at a top-3 Ukrainian university in Kyiv, I was one of the lucky people who got selected for an Erasmus exchange programme in Belgium. We did not know much about the country and living there, but we were totally excited about waffles, Belgian beer and of course about studying at the famous University of Leuven."

"After a year of Erasmus at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) , I was very interested in continuing my education at the same faculty. Meanwhile, I have completed both the Master in information management (2015-2016) and later the Master of business economics (2016-2017) at FEB KU Leuven. I believe that combining IT and, for example, marketing can be quite useful. Since we live in a time where big data and AI are booming and we spend on average 5 hours a day looking at mobile devices, one can make tons of successful marketing campaigns. Therefore, I thought that understanding both ends would not only help my personal development but boost my CV - and it did!"

"What can I tell about the study programmes? Firstly, they are very interesting and what you will learn is up-to-date and useful. I know because what I do at work now is directly related to what I have studied. Secondly, the programmes are versatile. For example, when going into information management, you will learn a lot about economics in general as well. Thirdly, expect some challenges coming your way. The university lives up to its reputation, so take it seriously."

"Also, take your time to enjoy life surrounding university. Meeting a variety of people from different countries, living amongst beautiful cityscapes, having the possibility to visit many historical places - those things will definitely leave a positive mark on you. Moreover, consider learning Dutch. Even if it is not the most widely spoken language, it is certainly an advantage to make your stay in Belgium more rewarding. I did not ever regret it."

"If you have questions about studying at FEB and life in Leuven or if you want to do a reality check on your expectations, you are welcome to ask me!"