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Testimonial - Pham Dan Thu


Pham Dan Thu Le | Vietnam

BSc in Business Administration ​

Ask Pham Dan Thu

My story at the Faculty of Economics and Business, KU Leuven

"Studying at KU Leuven and living in Belgium is such a rewarding and eye-opening experience for a Vietnamese girl who for the first time in her life stepped out of her comfort zone in Asia."

"After graduating from high school, I was constantly on the lookout for opportunities to study abroad. My aim was to be able to challenge myself, grow my international network, discover new cultures and mindsets, and above all, be exposed to world-class education. KU Leuven offers it all."

"I am currently a second-year student of BBA (Bachelor of Science in Business Administration) at KU Leuven, Campus Brussels. This programme, entirely taught in English, has enabled me to meet and work with people from different backgrounds, through groupwork and in particular, Management Project – one of the three highlights of this programme. I am now no longer afraid of dealing with cross-cultural problems but rather enjoy the challenge they create. In addition, the programme is very well-developed, allowing you to gain all-round knowledge of many business domains, ranging from philosophy, history, sociology to accounting, finance, HR, marketing and so on. If you are reluctant to choose which career path to follow, then this programme would be a great start to discover your strength(s)."

"Another highlight is the acquisition of two foreign languages throughout the three-year curriculum. I have chosen Dutch and French as my electives and I am proud to say that I have become quite proficient at the day-to-day communication with the locals now. These languages come in very handy for me since I study in Brussels (officially bilingual French-Dutch but vastly French speaking) but live in Leuven – a lovely and energetic entirely Dutch-speaking Flemish student city. But, don’t just focus on studying! Take your time to discover the various regions of this country and simultaneously practice your language skills!"

"The last highlight – but certainly not the least - is the exchange programme which is offered in the first semester of the third year. As the world is constantly changing and almost all the borders are taken down, I believe having a global experience will give you a competitive edge compared to all other job seekers on the labour market. I am so excited for my upcoming exchange this September and I hope to go through a rewarding and enriching experience during my time at the host institution."

"Finally, I also want to share a few tips for prospective students who will be part of the BBA community. You should spend some time studying basic French before heading to Belgium (I did and this helps a lot in our daily life as an international student!). Please open up your mind and embrace all the challenges – you will definitely encounter unexpected problems or even homesickness but be brave and think about your bright future upon graduation! Lastly, study hard to pass all the courses but don’t forget to treat yourself from time to time to a delicious waffle covered with chocolate and fruits or to a short trip to the neighbouring countries: Lille (France), Maastricht (Netherlands), Aachen (Germany), etc. Bon courage & veel succes!"