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Testimonial - Misak Danielyan


Misak Danielyan | Armenia

MSc in Business Engineering

Ask Misak

My story at the Faculty of Economics and Business, KU Leuven

“Arriving in a foreign country without knowing anybody can be a challenge. However, when you arrive at KU Leuven, the university and the various student organizations do everything to make you feel at home. KU Leuven and the Faculty of Economics and Business establish quality through a diverse and international environment that is renowned around the world.”

“The Faculty does not merely attain its reputation by offering interesting and exceptional courses but also through organizing inspiring events that give you the opportunity to grow both on a personal and professional level.”

“After my bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering at KU Leuven, I decided to follow my passion and to continue my studies at the Faculty of Economics and Business. This is where I studied a Master in Management, and where I now continue my studies following the Master in Business Engineering.”

“Given my experience with international students as the former president of the Erasmus Student Network of Leuven, I am happy to help you with all your questions regarding the international environment of KU Leuven, the Faculty and the amazing student life Leuven has to offer.”