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Testimonial - Stanley Post


My story at the Faculty of Economics and Business, KU Leuven

"Hi! My name is Stanley Post and I am a recent BBA/MBA graduate of KU Leuven’s Faculty of Economics and Business. When I look back on my KU Leuven years, I cannot help but see how much me and my friends have grown since we first stepped inside the faculty buildings. These years were filled with many experiences, classes, and opportunities that allowed us to learn both personally and professionally."

"Being a rather entrepreneurial and creative student, I certainly took advantage of any occasion to express my ideas. Through class presentations, group projects, theses, or even extracurricular activities, the university encouraged me to innovate and use my imagination to my own advantage. As I am passionate about advertising, design, and videos, I also started making my own adverts for shops during that time."

"However, when my KU Leuven experience came to an end, I was confronted with a difficult question: what to do next? When I started reminiscing about my four years spent at the university, I realised that the answer might be more simple than I initially thought. Slowly but surely, I remembered which projects and classes motivated me to work and get out of bed, and which achievements I felt most proud of."

"Throughout these years, the Faculty of Economics and Business consistently challenged me to get out of my comfort zone, which gave me the confidence to dream big and follow my own intuition. This led me to start building my own work experience in Seoul, South Korea, where I am currently creating videos, adverts, and looking for career opportunities. The university was truly the stepping stone for my professional career, and allowed me to build a solid base to start following my passion in a totally different culture."

"Do not hesitate to reach out and contact me if you have any question related to what the faculty has to offer!"