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Testimonial - Clelia Verligkas


Clelia Verligkas | Belgium / Greece

MSc in Business Administration

Ask Clelia

My story at the Faculty of Economics and Business, KU Leuven

“I have always been curious and passionate about cultural differences. I grew up in Belgium in a bicultural environment as my father is Greek, and I am proud to be from Brussels.”

“I obtained my bachelor’s degree in the business field at Odisee university-college and did an internship in a Spanish company in Seville in my final year. I enjoyed meeting new people and discovering the Spanish culture and language. After that, I decided to continue studying at KU Leuven. I chose the Master of Business Administration as I was keen to further my knowledge in economics. I am still convinced that this was the best decision I have ever made because I expanded my intellectual capacities.”

“Brussels is an amazing cosmopolitan city, which makes student life on campus fun. KU Leuven organises many events that allow you to explore Belgian culture, which has a lot to offer. Moreover, the campus is in located the city centre, so everything from public transport to shops, museums, theatres… is nearby.”

“This master’s programme is not a bed of roses. The arduous content, such as mathematics, statistics and corporate finance, is challenging and there is a lot of work to do but it is definitely worth it. You will acquire strong leadership and analytical skills, you will learn to be rigorous and last but not least, you will obtain a master’s degree from a prestigious university. KU Leuven is a renowned quality university where you will be challenged to think outside the box and have a critical perspective on things.”

“The professors are experts in their field and active researchers. The university is well-organised and able to adapt to changing environments. During the pandemic, I saw the professors’ great efforts to make digital learning as comfortable as possible. Moreover, KU Leuven lets its students have a say in the way the university is organised. You will feel welcome and heard. In short, I can guarantee that you will not regret studying at our faculty.”

“Please do contact me if you have any questions. I would be delighted to help you facilitate your exchange in the centre of Europe and at KU Leuven. A bientôt/Tot ziens!”