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Academic advising and consulting

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Academic advising and consulting

At the faculty of Economics and Business we want to help you with your studies. Do you need help studying? Doubting your study career? Are you entitled to special arrangements? Find the advisement and consulting that fits your needs.

Questions about your education?

Are you still not entirely sure where you want to go within your academic career or do you have doubts about your choice of study?  You can address these questions to your study career consultant.

To the study career consultants

Questions about your courses?

Could you use some assistance while studying a course? Are you stuck on exercises? Our study coaches can help.

To subject related guidance

How to study most efficiently?

Do you have questions about your study methods or your study planning? The study coach can give you study tools that can help you.

To learning proces coaching

Not feeling great?

Are you struggling with personal issues that are affecting your studies? You are not alone. 

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Special status or additional needs?

Are you a working student, top athlete, or involved in cultural activities? Are you in special individual circumstances or experiencing additional needs due to a disability? Find out if you are eligible for facilities and how to request them.

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Ombudsperson and confidential advisor

Are you struggling with a personal problem or are you ill and unable to participate in the exam? You can address all of these issues with your ombuds.

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Don't know who to reach with your question? 


Who to contact