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How do I request an exemption?

Leuven Campus

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How do I apply for an exemption?

You apply for an exemption via your KU Loket ("Exemption file"). With your application you are obligated to upload the following documents:

  • Based on the ECTS course descriptions, you compare the learning outcomes of the courses for which you want to apply for exemptions with the learning outcomes of the courses for which you have obtained a credit certificate. For this comparison, you use the application form.
  • Add the ECTS sheet of the followed course. You provide the information sheet of the academic year in which you followed the course.
  • Add the ECTS sheet of the course for which you submit an application.
  • An official credit certificate or transcript (no screen shots). Credits obtained at a foreign educational institution must be confirmed with an official credit certificate.

Special exemption requests

1. I want to apply for an exemption for a module that I have already followed in another programme.

Did you obtain a credit in another programme for a course that is part of your current curriculum? You can request an exemption via the Exemption file. If the course code of both modules is identical, or if both modules are equivalent (check the equal sign in the program guide), you don't have to add the application form.

Please note: if in your previous programme a course was deliberated or tolerated, you can't apply for an exemption for this in the new programme.
According to Art. 28 §1 of the Education and Examination Regulations, you can only obtain an exemption "based on a credit certificate, study certificate or certificate of competence (...)". This does not include a deliberated or tolerated course.  

2. I want to apply for an exemption for a part of the module (ola or learning activity).

The procedure for applying for a partial exemption is identical to the normal procedure.

3. I have obtained a professional Bachelor's degree: can I apply for exemptions ?

We assume that the academic, research-oriented component is insufficiently present in the professional Bachelor's degree to serve as a solid basis for exemptions in an academic degree programme.

If you believe that the research-oriented component is sufficiently present in specific courses, you can apply for an exemption via the normal procedure.

Based on the necessary evidence, you must demonstrate that the course from the professionel Bachelor's degree contains the same academic research component as the course from the academic bachelor's degree for which you are applying for an exemption. The law assumes that you must motivate sufficiently and explicitly why you have acquired all competences, if not, your request can be considered inadmissible.

What is the deadline for requesting exemptions?

Applying for exemptions is possible as long as the ISP is available (until the third Wednesday of the first and second semester). Students have to submit an application for exemptions at their first registration for the study programme. In the case of re-registering for the same study programme, an application for exemptions can only be submitted if new elements apply.

You do not have to wait for approval of your exemption requests to submit your ISP - please make sure that your ISP is submitted before the deadline, even if your exemption requests have not been processed yet. Don't forget to select an examination moment for the courses you are requesting an exemption: after approval these examination moments will automatically disappear from your schedule.
Should you, because of approved or rejected exemption applications after the ISP deadline, still have to make changes to your programme, then you can contact the Education and Students Administrative Office.

When can I expect a response?

In principle, requests for exemptions are checked in the order in which they are sent. Because this sometimes involves a large number of requests, and this during a very busy period, it can take some time before you receive a positive or negative response. Therefore it is important that you follow the courses until you are informed that the requested exemption has been granted.


Any questions about filing, saving and sending your ISP? Ask them to a staff member of the Education and Student Administration.

Contact the Education and Student Administration